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Medical device

EMDDB code 20689
Basic UDI-DI (8013)0616258TFCN0050Q5
Seadme klass Meditsiiniseade
Medical Device Nomenclature
Risk class IIa
Appliance -
Device name (in Estonian) MEDRAD Stellant Kaksiksüstlad suure füsioloogilise lahuse teraviku ja väikese kontrastaine teravikuga, neljane pakk
Device name (in English) MEDRAD Stellant Dual Syringe Quad- Pak with a Large Saline Spike and a Small Contrast Spike
Intended use (is Estonian) Pakendi sisu on ette nähtud kasutamiseks kontrastaine või soolalahuse manustamisel. See on ette nähtud ühekordseks kasutamiseks vaid ühel patsiendil MEDRAD Stellanti injektoritega.

Intended use (in English) The contents of this package are intended to be used in the delivery of contrast media or saline. They are indicated for single-use on one patient only with MEDRAD Stellant Injectors.
Type/model/article number SDS-CTP-SCS
Notified body 2797
Manufacturer Bayer Medical Care Inc.
Authorised representative Bayer Medical Care, B.V.
In register from 06/19/2024
Entry status Active
Reimbursed by EHIF Tervisekassa soodustus puudub
Documents related to medical device model
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