MSA code |
Basic UDI-DI |
Seadme klass |
In vitro diagnostikameditsiiniseade
Medical Device Nomenclature |
Risk class |
IVD selftest 98/79/EC
Appliance |
Device name (in Estonian) |
FlowFlex SARS COV-2 antigeeni kiirtest (enesetest)
Device name (in English) |
FlowFlex SARS COV-2 antigent rapid test (self-testing)
Intended use (is Estonian) |
Kiirtest SARS COV-2 nukleokapsiidi antigeenide tuvastamiseks nina eesosa kaape proovides.
Intended use (in English) |
A rapid test for the detection of SARS-COV-2 nucleocapsid antigens in anterior nasal swab specimens.
Type/model/article number |
L031-118M5, L031-118N5, L031-118W5, L031-118P5, L031-118Z5, L031-118R5
Notified body |
Manufacturer |
Acon Biotech (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd
Authorised representative |
MedNet GmbH
In register from |
Entry status |
Reimbursed by EHIF |
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